A few words
About Us
Our story starts way back, when our founder Malkiz was first brought into the world
25 years ago, Tanzania was blessed with a bouncing baby girl, and was named after her aunt, Malkia Said Ally. She later got the name Malkiz from her friends and family, and u p to date, she is known by that name.
Born and raised in Dar e Salaam, Malkia did not have the best of times during her childhood, and escaladed her to make rapid choices in her life. It was unfortunate that Malkia lost someone who she deemed as the only man in her life, her father, and that made things start to go downhill.
Raised by her mother, at this tender age, Malika’s mother had to work day and night so as to cater for the needs of Malkia and her siblings. This was when the inevitable happened! Malkia was sadly molested by her uncle, and through that, she went through episodes of confusion because she was only 9 at the time, and did not understand what was going on in her life.
It became the norm for Malkia, and she felt that what was happening was normal to the extent of even showing her peers what her uncle used to do. She tried to speak out through actions, but she was not understood, till the demise of her mother.
Malkia had to learn the hard way and over the years she met lots of people, and decided to finally speak out. That s when NDOTO MPYA was born!!
About Ndoto Mpya
NDOTO MPYA is a youth lead initiative founded in 2020 . Primarily Ndoto Mpya’s goal is to create a Child Gender based violence free community.
- We challenge attitudes and social norms that perpetuate violence or impose gender roles through public education and awareness building.
- We engage business, community and government leaders to change policy and practices and strengthen legislation related to gender based violence.
- We advocate for changes to the justice system to better serve people who have experienced gender based violence.
- We partner with government and other organizations to research the impacts of gender based violence and find innovative solutions to end it.
- We provide a range of services and supports for self identified women who have experienced violence, and children who have witnessed abuse.
- We provide other critical supports, such as safe, affordable housing, early learning and child care and opportunities for training and employment to support women on their path to personal and economic security.